Smart working time calculation
Optimise the work of your employees, forget their late arrivals, long lunches and extra breaks

Упрощает задачу контроля действий ваших кадров
Позволяет дисциплинировать сотрудников дистанционно
Ускоряет рабочий процесс путем мотивации персонала
Помогает минимизировать затраты от простоя работников
Know the employee’ s location any moment of the working hours

- Does not depend on the Internet
- Determines
- Synchronises
- Compiles full report
- The software registers the working time by sending reports with photo or location If necessary, registers the type and sum of payment
Умный учет рабочего времени

Face and fingerprint biometry
- Perfect for employees, linked to the same address
- Employee control through face identification
- Control your employees by fingerprint identification
Working tools supply and monitoring
- Suitable for remote operation
- Reads barcode of a tool and assigns it to the corresponding employee

Accurate and quick calculation of working time
Simplified working time calculation for reporting and invoicing
Discipline your staff, improve the image of your company
Compile the list of materials used on site
Quick data communication to the accounting department
Reduce costs by 20% or more, imposing fines
Data protection
- Data protection and confidentiality
- Double verification by SMS
- Software operation training
- Simple installation and use